
Os Gm Maling the Trans Am Again?

Mary Barra was almost 10 when she offset fell in love with a car. Information technology was a red Chevy Camaro convertible, belatedly-'60s vintage, driven past her older cousin. When Barra describes information technology, her brownish optics widen and her cheeks flush just a impact. "It was just a cute, beautiful vehicle," she says at her function high in the tower that houses Full general Motors' corporate headquarters. "The offset vehicle where I went, 'Wow, that is cool.'"

When the fourth dimension came to purchase herself a prepare of wheels, Barra still had musculus on her mind. She plunked down a deposit on a Pontiac Firebird, the iconic hot rod of the late 1970s. Just at the final moment she blinked. Spring for college, watching her budget, she bought a Chevrolet Chevette, an affordable, boxy hatchback that the automaker marketed by emphasizing its legroom and body space. Promotional films from the time bear witness the auto struggling to stay on iv wheels as it rattles around corners at suburban speeds. She still thinks nigh that Firebird.

Today, Barra's task—and her storied employer's fate—boils down to making sure no car heir-apparent ever wrestles with that kind of tradeoff again.

Barra, MBA 'xc, took the wheel in February as GM's senior vice president for global product evolution—and became the highest-ranking adult female in the automotive industry. In accuse of engineering, design and quality control for the world's second-largest automaker (after Toyota), she has arrived simply in time to atomic number 82 GM'due south product line into a very uncertain future.

As the world warms and oil prices roller-coaster upward, automakers face the biggest overhaul of their industry since the nativity of the assembly line. We don't know what exactly the cars of the coming decades will look like: They could plug into wall sockets, or guzzle advanced biofuels, or run on hydrogen fuel cells or even liquefied sunlight. But in the increasingly globalized auto market, we know consumers aren't probable to buy any vehicle that doesn't evangelize style and operation commensurate with its greener engine. If GM wants to continue making and selling cars, it must find a mode to combine the practicality that drove Mary Barra into a Chevette with the swoon she got from her cousin's Camaro.

Barra understands the depth of the claiming. "Whatsoever happens, it's going to be a more fuel-efficient vehicle in 5, x, 15 years," she says. "My goal is to make certain we do that with a suite of products for customers based on their needs and wants." Later, she adds, "We're going to accept beautiful, innovative designs. We're going to put the right applied science on the vehicle by [consumer] segment, the way the client wants it. We're going to take the right quality and the right functioning features. Repeating that process—it'due south as simple equally that and as hard equally that."

Detroit automakers owe much of their high-contour woes over the past few decades to an inability to fit together those pieces—quality, functioning, efficiency, technology. Barra has seen the struggles firsthand. She grew upwardly in Waterford, Mich., where her father worked 39 years as a GM dice maker. That oh-so-applied Chevette took her to General Motors Institute (since renamed Kettering University) in Flintstone, Mich., an engineering and management school that served as a sort of ROTC for GM. She earned an electrical engineering degree in that location, interning at the plant that produced the sporty Pontiac Fiero.

When she started at the found, GM and its Big 3 brethren were haemorrhage market share to Japanese competitors such equally Honda and Toyota, whose cars American consumers had come to regard as more than reliable and affordable. The focus on the Fiero line was quality: reducing defects, rebuilding public trust. Barra showed her faith past ditching the Chevette for a black Fiero her senior year.

In 1988, a GM fellowship took Barra to Stanford to earn an MBA. She would continue to rise through the management ranks, running engineering divisions and managing an assembly plant. GM turned out increasingly reliable cars, earned higher quality ratings and slowly, but surely, won back consumer conviction. Still, its market share eroded. Past the early 2000s, GM was suffering under the weight of a cost structure—wages, pensions, wellness-care costs—that made a standard GM vehicle thousands of dollars more than expensive to produce than a foreign competitor'south.

To bridge the gap, GM and other domestic automakers stripped many cars of pricey features such as plush interiors or advanced electronics—which merely served to devalue the vehicles in customers' eyes. They likewise chased the higher profit margins in manufacturing trucks and large sport utility vehicles that got miserable gas mileage. Spiking oil prices in 2006-07 caught Detroit flat-footed. The 2008 financial crunch pushed GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy.

Barra tries non to dwell on the night days before and after GM filed Chapter eleven—a flow the company's employees, from hourly workers to top executives, discuss in graveyard-whistling tones. Like so many others at the downtown Detroit headquarters, she worked for days at a time, with little slumber. "It was a very difficult, and very humbling, fourth dimension," Barra says. Simply she says she never doubted the company would survive. "Nosotros're going to get through," she says she kept thinking. "We're going to make it through."

GM was saved just by billions of dollars in federal bailout funds. The government-canonical leadership tapped Barra in July 2009 to run the humbled company's human resource sectionalisation. Then in January 2011, CEO Daniel Akerson named her head of global product development. The job placed Barra ane pace below Akerson on the GM corporate ladder, one of the elevation seven executives in the visitor. She oversees more 30,000 employees worldwide, and her day-to-day huddles with designers and engineers determine which vehicles brand it to the assembly line.

Barra began her tenure with a tailwind of sorts—or as much of ane every bit anyone has had at GM in years. The company had shrugged off much of the weight of its uncompetitive cost structure, largely through fiscal concessions won in emerging from defalcation and from closing or selling off product lines such as Saturn and Hummer. It was starting to rake in profits again. Peradventure almost important for its long-term viability, GM, like its domestic rivals, was finally catching up to foreign automakers in addressing the Chevette/Firebird dilemma.

For a long fourth dimension, consumers of American cars could get a really sexy vehicle or a really applied i, but they rarely got i that was both. And if in that location's annihilation American consumers want, information technology's everything, in i parcel. Mayhap the best example is in the truck market. Pickups, led by the Ford F-150 and the Chevy Silverado, height the list of America's acknowledged vehicles. These truck buyers are non hauling beams to structure sites. Most buyers are suburbanites who just like to tow a boat on the weekend or flip down the tailgate outside the football game stadium. They desire the power, the functioning, the absurd, of a pickup.

Ever since gas croaky $iv per gallon, industry research shows, truck buyers have clamored for vastly improved fuel economy—without sacrificing anything else. Ford has pushed difficult to respond, retooling its pickups with smaller, more efficient engines that evangelize the same power as a roaring V-8. (In F-150 ads that run during Boob tube football games, guys' guy actor Denis Leary brags well-nigh towing capacity and mpg in the aforementioned breath.)

To combine performance and mileage in smaller cars, GM recently introduced the Chevrolet Cruze, a sleek little head-turner aimed at immature buyers that was the bestselling car in America in June. The bigger test—for the company and for Barra—volition be the relaunch of the Silverado and the remainder of GM's truck and SUV line. Complicating matters is the volatility of gasoline prices, which are trending upwards but have bounced from as low as $i.67 per gallon to as high every bit $iv per gallon in the by ii years.

People gather in what appears to be a tunnel. Rows of cars are lined up, the first of which is a sleek red Chevy. FAST RISE: Workers gathered every bit the kickoff Chevrolet Cruze rolled off the line in September 2010. The Cruze was the bestselling car in America in June. (Photograph: Amy Sancetta/AP Photo)

"They've got great small vehicles" at GM, says Dave Cole, chairman emeritus of the contained Center for Automotive Enquiry in Ann Arbor, Mich. "That's not going to be a problem. But to be successful in this environs, to bet on a futurity loftier energy price, you've got to hit your bet, which ways you've got to have products that work whatever the energy price is."

There's some other remainder the firm must strike. GM increasingly needs to roll out products that piece of work beyond emerging markets as well as traditional ones. The more than the visitor tin can use common platforms for cars around the world—which is to say, build and sell the aforementioned cars in Beijing and Detroit—the more it tin capture economies of scale and relieve money. Trouble is, buyers in China differ widely from buyers in Michigan, in terms of how far they bulldoze, what features they require and how much they can spend on a vehicle. "The mode somebody drives in Bharat is very dissimilar than the way somebody drives in the The states," Barra says, but she has to build for both, with as much overlap every bit possible.

Asia looms as GM'south most important market over the next decade. Cathay and India are dwelling house to droves of prospective first-time car owners—young people who are rising out of poverty and into a center-class lifestyle that includes a vehicle. The Scotiabank Grouping forecasts Chinese consumers will purchase more than 25 million cars and trucks in 2025, up from 10 1000000 this year. Vehicle sales doubled over the past five years in India to ii million units, Scotiabank says, and are expected to double once again by the terminate of the decade.

Competition for this business organisation will be vehement—especially from Indian automakers who, thanks to labor and production costs well below Detroit'south, are turning out starter cars that price a few k dollars. (In dissimilarity, GM's new Michigan-made subcompact, the Sonic, which incorporates several shop-flooring and pay-calibration innovations to minimize cost, retails for almost $14,000 in the U.s..)

A small yellow car drives down an open road. Next to it is a slightly larger orange car. THE WORLD OF SUBCOMPACTS: An Indian carmaker like Tata, maker of the Nano (left), has labor costs well below GM, whose Sonic will compete in emerging markets.  (Photograph: Rajanish Kakade/AP Photo; Courtesy Full general Motors)

To handle such challenges in the past, GM relied on the legendary instincts of Bob Lutz, its longtime, design-savvy production chief, now retired. In his volume, Automobile Guys vs. Edible bean Counters: The Battle for the Soul of American Business organization, Lutz writes nigh his from-the-gut leadership style, noting that he may take inadvertently set upward GM for struggles afterward his retirement, considering he relied and so much "on my own will and my considerable influence."

GM executives and outside analysts say Barra'due south arroyo is diametrically different, one that relies on team-building and seeks consensus. She holds "hall meetings" to solicit advice on project direction. She challenges engineers and designers to rethink their assumptions. Lutz'southward motto was "Often incorrect, never in uncertainty." Barra'due south might exist: "Let's all figure this out together."

"Mary is trying to bring order to the business," says John Calabrese, GM's vice president of global vehicle engineering, who has worked with Barra in different capacities for 12 years. "She's very methodical, very logical, very fair. She challenges the status quo pretty well. She's provocative. . . . She's an outstanding listener. And I guess she kind of has a consensus approach, just when it'due south not meeting, she gets concise and she'southward pretty decisive."

Barra cultivates that paradigm in the course of an interview in Detroit for this article. She deflects questions about her vision for the future of GM's product line. Asked what imprint she hopes to get out on the company—what we'll say a Mary Barra-era vehicle looks like—she demurs and talks about her team.

"My chore is to keep with the technology advocacy and then that the consumers are able to choose," she says. "I want them to be able to cull what they drive because there's such a connectedness of how people pick vehicles, of what they like. So if nosotros as a company take the right engineering science that allows u.s.a. to deliver the fuel economy that is, I call back, where the globe is going, yet still offer a range of size and products to meet people's needs and wants, that's how we win."

Barra has no hesitation ticking off a list of challenges GM—and every carmaker—must confront. Automakers must develop and master advanced propulsion systems, including electric-powered cars and trucks that tin can bulldoze hundreds of miles without a charge and evangelize handling and brawn on par with traditional gasoline engines. Engineers volition need to safely integrate smart engineering for drivers and "infotainment" for passengers. "The experience in the front end seat is very different than the feel in the back seat," Barra says. "Nosotros have to sympathize that."

Barra stands with two people in a conference room, looking at a panel of devices and screens. Road Show: Barra reviews infotainment gear that will appear in future vehicles. (Photo: Fabrizio Consatini/Wall Street Journal)

Colleagues say Barra's understanding flows from her long and varied career at GM. In person, though, information technology's difficult to shake the idea that her approach to the job started with her cousin'due south red convertible —that she is, at heart, a car girl.

She has arrived for the interview in a blackness pantsuit, her blouse open up at the neck. At 9 a.m., she sips a Diet Coke from the can. Her smile is as warm and friendly as, well, a Camaro, which, incidentally, is not her twenty-four hours-to-day car these days. That would be a Cadillac Escalade, a status-symbol favorite of pro athletes, that Barra chose largely for its carrying chapters; her 14-year-one-time son was until recently a hockey goalie, a job that comes with a lot of gear.

Barra seldom has fourth dimension to take the Escalade out for a prowl, but she oftentimes looks forward to her 35-infinitesimal commute. Really. "There's days when, after a long day of work," she says, "you become into your auto, and yous're similar, this is fun. I get to bulldoze this domicile." At least once a calendar week, she takes a vehicle in evolution out for a spin on a GM exam track.

Cheers to her son and her 12-year-one-time girl, Barra has been thinking lately virtually the challenge of designing cars for what's been dubbed the millennial generation. These consumers—the children of Infant Boomers—frequently take lived a life without tradeoffs. Fifty-fifty more than their parents, they're non going to breadbasket the idea of sacrificing performance for economy. They're going to drive cars that, under proposed federal fuel regulations, volition average 54.iv mpg, and they volition expect those cars to corner well, go zero to threescore in a few ticks and incorporate all their favorite electronic toys. If Detroit won't sell them that, some strange competitor volition.

Similar their mother, Barra'southward children pine, romantically, for their first vehicles. Her daughter is saving up for a Chevy Equinox SUV. Her son has been drawing cars since he was 3. Recently, Barra'southward husband ordered a new car. (Surprise! Information technology was a Camaro.) Mother and father noticed the teenager doing some calculations in his head. Hey, Dad, he said, how about we get it in orange? "We had to tell him," Barra says, "the odds of you lot having the Camaro when y'all're sixteen probably are pretty small."

Take heart, kid: You can get a used Chevette these days for a song. Cheque out that trunk space!

Jim Tankersley , '00, is the economics correspondent for theNational Journal.


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